A Thin Place

A Thin Place

Silence falls as the sky contorts. Above my head, enormous beams reach upwards, stretching miles and miles. They are blue, and red, and pink, the reds and pinks so bright that I do not need my camera to see them. I do not need anything, because I’m floating. I’ve...
Voices from the Sky

Voices from the Sky

(The title of this piece has been borrowed from Arthur C. Clarke.) Writing when sleep deprived is not the best of ideas, but I’m fired up from the events of last night (23rd-24th April, 2023). All the reports suggested an intense CME (coronal mass ejection – a...
Aurora Borealis in Devon

Aurora Borealis in Devon

Having seen the Aurora Borealis from the Devon-Dorset border last month, it seems almost impossible that I’ve seen it from Devon again. Yet, on the 23rd – 24th of March 2023, the Earth was struck by a geomagnetic storm so strong it caused bright aurorae to...