This is the part where I tell you all about me; that I studied Fine Art at A-Level and English at university, that I have a GCSE in Astronomy and a Level 3 Diploma in Horticulture and how, now I’ve reached the refined (ahem) old age of 30, I’ve developed an indefatigable passion for photography.
I’ve loved taking photographs since I was a teenager, but it wasn’t until fairly recently, when I acquired a Nikon D7000, that I started getting photographs that I’d dreamed of.
Much of this, I’m sure, is due to my location (and strange propensity for early starts.) Our home is nestled within the beautiful borderlands of Dorset, Devon and Somerset, which affords me ample opportunity to get outside and capture some breathtaking scenes. I am an avid lover of the British countryside and the wildlife within it and want little more than to be outside experiencing it as much as possible.
This is why photography is my friend.
I like to illustrate things too. Drawing was my first passion and if you check back here, in time, you may just find that some of the scenes in my imagination have made their way onto a page.
Until then, thanks for stopping by and please do make yourself at home. I’ll put the kettle on!